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The Free Christian Identity Toolkit

Download The Free Christian Identity Toolkit

How does the way you see yourself impact your life? Both in relation to God and in relation to the world?

Feeling stuck and unfulfilled? You are made for more! Transformational coaching conversations will ignite a powerful shift within you.

Uncover your life direction and God's plan for you. Deepen your connection to His guiding voice. Discover your powerful and multifaceted identity as a child of God. Thrive at work as you put your values into practice. Excel at your interviews and performance reviews. Resolve conflict and build stronger relationships. Unlock Christian self confidence - yes - it does exist.

Together, we'll navigate challenges, transform limiting beliefs, and empower you to co-create the life God designed you to live.

Ready to live a life that truly lights you up and unleash your full potential? Let's chat

Book a Free Consultation


Transform Your Thinking

Transform Everything

Creative Thinking for Strategic Opportunities

Creating Inner Space for New Perspectives

Preparing for Difficult Conversations

Taking Action for Win-Win Results

Gaining Clarity and Courage in

Times of Life Transition

Coaching Options

Facilitating Insight - Harnessing Potential - Empowering Change 

Matthew - Barrister: I undertook a series of sessions with Richard: his style of coaching is very much to give clients control of the situation, creating a safe environment to explore ideas, aspirations and problems, however tricky. The result was that I felt more focused, better-equipped and calmer about my professional and personal goals. I have taken some significant steps forward. So, judged by the extent to which Richard has helped me, the experience was a serious success. I would recommend Richard. 


Books and Pamphlets

Some of my books are only available through my coaching and membership programmes. Some are available as free pdf downloads.

Please search the website for more information on what I have written and how you can gain access to the content.

Richard's gentle and encouraging coaching style helped me enormously across several life issues. He helped me clarify my thoughts and led me to plan and go on to achieve many goals. He had integrity and a genuine interest in me and what I wanted to achieve. Being coached by Richard helped me view things differently & make changes to enable me to lead a fuller life..... Elizabeth Butler - Magistrate, Mentor, Teacher. 

I was at a point where I needed a clearer direction in my career. I wanted to move forward & work out what was stopping me from doing that. Through Richard’s questions I worked out strategies to achieve my goals. One of the key things was learning to change my perceptions. We talked about altering behavioural patterns & changing physical & emotional habits & this has proved very successful. I came away being able to say, “I am succeeding” which was really important to me...I now have a clearer sense of direction & I am encouraged by my own progress. Janet Remedial Massage Therapist

Richard's gentle and encouraging coaching style helped me enormously across several life issues. He helped me clarify my thoughts and led me to plan and go on to achieve many goals. He had integrity and a genuine interest in me and what I wanted to achieve. Being coached by Richard helped me view things differently & make changes to enable me to lead a fuller life..... Elizabeth Butler - Magistrate, Mentor, Teacher. 

I was at a point where I needed a clearer direction in my career. I wanted to move forward & work out what was stopping me from doing that. Through Richard’s questions I worked out strategies to achieve my goals. One of the key things was learning to change my perceptions. We talked about altering behavioural patterns & changing physical & emotional habits & this has proved very successful. I came away being able to say, “I am succeeding” which was really important to me...I now have a clearer sense of direction & I am encouraged by my own progress. Janet Remedial Massage Therapist

Hi, I'm Richard Burwell

I'm a coach who takes you on a transformational coaching conversation by getting to the heart of what matters to you, and the heart of the matter.

Your result will be tangible, but the journey towards the transformation you want requires serious intent. We work on the inner game to improve the outer game.

Transformation occurs in the mind and heart, not simply through external tweaks and changes to behaviour, which only brings about temporary change.

I am interested in empowering you towards identity level transformation which affects how you relate to yourself, to God and to others, both at work and at play. 

And I am keen that in coaching you, you learn how to coach yourself.

If this sounds like the sort of coaching you want, please book a free consultation with me.

I look forward to hearing from you...

Book a Free Consultation


In person coaching sessions can be arranged if the logistics work out. There will be a premium added to the cost to take acount of travel time if an equidistant location is chosen. For cost effectiveness and ease of access to coaching, I recommend either teleopone or zoom calls.

Phone Call

Coaching by phone is an extremely time efficient and profound medium for coahcing. It offers a high degree of anonymity; it can enable a greater vulnerability and honesty; and it can be less distracting than face to face or zoom calls; enabling you as the client to access your internal thoughts, memories, feelings and ideas more fully tan when distracted by the computer screen.

Zoom Call

Similar to the phone call option, Zoom coaching is time efficient, and can also allow the transfer of slides which may enhance the coaching experience. Being able to see the coach can increase the sense of being heard, and may help the coach to listen better. It also allowes for group coaching.


I offer 'fair use' email support to support the coaching insessions. How much email support you can access depends on the coaching package you have bought. Email support allows you to send questions to the coach for clarification and enable to the coach to support between sessions with further coaching questions and insight.

Click here for more about my story

Richard A. Burwell

Transfomrational Coaching Conversations

Copyright © 2024 Richard A. Burwell. All rights reserved.